Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pregnancies, babies, all around...

Yesterday was my 6 week check up. It wasn't meant to be this way. It seems my body has recoverd, but what about my heart and soul?
I decided to get an IUD for birth control and even though I know this is the best decision for the time being, it saddened me. I long for my baby! I see pregnant women and babies everywhere. I am so envious and all I can do is stare. I know having another baby wouldn't take away my emptiness. All I really want is my Emery and nothing is going to change that.


  1. Hi there, first off I am so very sorry for your loss. My really good friend Andrea told me of your blog, and I am so glad she did. You have an amazing beautiful family. You all will be in my thoughts. Thank you for sharing, I can't imagine it is easy.

    1. I love your blog, it breaks my heart I feel for you deeply. I am so sorry for your loss she is gorgeous and one day you will see her again. Time will heal, continue using the techniques you know to express your thoughts and feelings.

      Stay Strong!
